We strive to harness the immense potential of digital technology.
Products and services are available to everyone at an affordable price but many people don't even know they exist.
We underutilize what is available to us.
Looking back at the era before the internet, information was only accessible to limited people in limited hours.
We couldn't book the flight ticket online at the last minute.
We couldn't look for the book we want in an online bookstore at midnight.
We couldn't chat with friends whenever they were away from us.
All these only became possible about 50 years ago through the internet.
Life is generally more convenient as things have become easier.
But has the advancing digital technology really made your work easier?
Now anyone can access any info on the internet, which means we’re under an unprecedented level of competitiveness.
Borders and language barriers are vanishing.
We are forced to work harder to have an edge in the global competition...which is the opposite of what we're aiming for.
We started our service to change this situation.
Products and services should be accessible to anyone and we all deserve to benefit from new things,even when we’re not tech-savvy nor speak a certain language.